Xiao Panda Preschool

Learning About the Rainforest: A Guide for Preschool Teachers

As preschool teachers, it is our responsibility to provide our students with engaging and informative lessons about the world around us. One of the most fascinating and diverse ecosystems on Earth is the rainforest. However, teaching young children about the rainforest can be a challenging task. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you understand the basics of the rainforest and how to convey this knowledge to your preschool students. Read on to discover some essential information about the rainforest that you can incorporate into your lessons and spark the curiosity and imagination of your little ones.

You can also check out this post about Why a Rainforest Study is Beneficial to Preschoolers.

What is the Rainforest?

The rainforest is a unique ecosystem that is covered in dense trees and vegetation. It is home to a wide variety of animal and plant species that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. The rainforest is an important part of the Earth’s natural environment and plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of our planet’s climate.

For preschool teachers looking to incorporate the rainforest theme into their curriculum, it’s important to understand that there are different types of rainforests, including tropical and temperate. Tropical rainforests are typically found near the equator and have high levels of rainfall and humidity. Temperate rainforests are found in cooler regions with less rainfall.

As you teach your students about the rainforest, it’s important to highlight the different features and characteristics that make this ecosystem so unique. Help your preschoolers to understand the diversity of plants and animals that call the rainforest home, and how these species are adapted to survive in such a unique environment.

By incorporating the rainforest theme into your preschool curriculum, you can help to inspire a love for nature and teach your students about the importance of conservation and protecting our planet’s natural resources.

Why is the Rainforest Important?

The rainforest is important for several reasons that teachers should explain to their preschool students when incorporating it into their curriculum.

For starters, it is home to a variety of animals and plant species that cannot be found anywhere else on Earth. This biodiversity makes the rainforest an essential ecosystem that helps to maintain the balance of life on our planet. The rainforest also provides us with various resources such as medicines, foods, and other natural products that are beneficial to humans.

As part of the preschool rainforest theme, teachers can also explain how the rainforest helps to regulate the climate. The trees in the rainforest absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, which helps to prevent climate change. They also play a vital role in the water cycle by storing and releasing large amounts of water that can be distributed to other parts of the world.

It’s important to teach preschoolers about the rainforest’s significance so that they understand why we need to take care of it and the creatures that inhabit it. By doing so, they can become informed and environmentally conscious individuals who can help make a difference in the world.

Biodiversity in the Rainforest

Preschool teachers introducing the rainforest theme should be aware of the remarkable biodiversity present in this unique ecosystem. Rainforests are home to an abundance of plant and animal species that can captivate young minds. In fact, rainforests contain over half of the world’s plant and animal species, despite covering only 2% of the earth’s surface!

The biodiversity in the rainforest offers many opportunities for learning about different species and their interactions. Children can learn about the different layers of the rainforest and the species that live within them. Some animals that preschoolers can learn about include the sloth, toucan, jaguar, and howler monkey.

Furthermore, the rainforest plays an important role in our planet’s ecosystem. By understanding the diverse species that call the rainforest home, preschoolers can develop a sense of responsibility to help protect these species and their habitat.

Teachers can also incorporate activities that allow preschoolers to engage with and learn about rainforest biodiversity. For example, creating a sensory bin with different materials found in the rainforest or having students create their own rainforest animal masks can help foster an understanding and appreciation for the diverse and vital ecosystems found in the rainforest.

Teaching Tools for Learning about the Rainforest

Once you have introduced your preschoolers to the rainforest and its importance, it’s time to dive deeper into the topic. There are many tools and resources available that can help you teach your young students about the fascinating world of the rainforest. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Books: There are many books available that cover the rainforest theme and can help children learn about its inhabitants, geography, and conservation. Click Here to read a full blog post describing some excellent Rainforest Themed Picture books that are perfect for a preschool, prek or kindergarten classroom study of the rainforest.
  2. Videos: Educational videos can be a great tool for teaching about the rainforest, as they provide visuals and sounds that can bring the topic to life. The Rainforest Alliance offers a number of videos aimed at young learners, including The Rainforest Rangers series.
  3. Crafts: Crafts are always a great way to get preschoolers engaged in a topic. For the rainforest theme, consider creating rainforest animal masks, a diorama of a rainforest ecosystem, or a rainforest mural made with tissue paper or other art supplies.
  4. Field Trips: If possible, consider taking your preschoolers on a field trip to a local zoo, aquarium, or botanical garden that has a rainforest exhibit. This can be an exciting way to introduce the concept of the rainforest to your students and allow them to see and hear some of the animals and plants in person.
    Overall, there are many teaching tools available for the rainforest theme, and incorporating them into your lesson plans can help your preschoolers gain a deeper understanding of this vital ecosystem.

Activities for Preschoolers to Learn about the Rainforest

One of the best ways to teach preschoolers about the rainforest is through fun and engaging activities that capture their attention and inspire their curiosity. Here are some ideas for activities that fit within a rainforest theme:

  1. Rainforest Sensory Bin: Create a sensory bin filled with different items that are representative of the rainforest. Include things like fake plants, toy animals, and perhaps even some sand or dirt to represent the soil.
  2. Rainforest Animal Puppets: Help children learn about some of the animals that live in the rainforest by creating simple animal puppets that they can play with. You could make a toucan, a monkey, a sloth, or any number of other animals.
  3. Rainforest Music and Movement: Play some rainforest-inspired music and encourage children to dance and move like the animals they are learning about. You could even try some simple yoga poses that mimic animals like snakes or frogs.
  4. Rainforest Art: Provide children with paper and paints or markers and encourage them to create their own rainforest scenes. This is a great way to help them solidify what they have learned about the rainforest and its animals.
  5. Rainforest Story Time: Read books to the class that have a rainforest theme. Some great choices include The Great Kapok Tree, Where the Forest Meets the Sea, or Over in the Jungle.
    By incorporating these types of activities into your preschool rainforest theme, you can help children learn about this incredible ecosystem in a way that is fun and memorable.


In conclusion, learning about the rainforest is an important part of any preschool curriculum. Understanding the significance of the rainforest and its biodiversity can help young students develop a sense of wonder and appreciation for the natural world around them. As a preschool teacher, it is important to have a solid foundation of knowledge about the rainforest and how to teach it effectively through a rainforest theme. With the right teaching tools and activities, you can help your students explore and understand the many wonders of the rainforest. So why not take the leap and add a rainforest theme to your preschool lesson plans? Your students will thank you for it!